
IAMA Art Museum in San Francisco

Art Frame of Withered Vines on an Intoxicating Stone Artist: H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III This art frame has an air of simple elegance, purity, and understated charm. It naturally captures the spirit and form of real withered vines. Both faux withered vines and faux ancient jade are first sculpted using Yun Sculpture techniques and then painted in oils. Withered vines sculpted by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III are of the highest artistic quality and possess the following four special characteristics for the viewer’s appreciation: (1) Their appeal is aptly described by four words: old, withered, dry, and beautiful. (2) Their style embodies four attributes: scholarliness, absence of mediocrity, high elegance, and a comforting air. (3) Their form and design present four properties: coiling in a natural way, totally genuine appearance, weathered over time, and intertwining. (4) Their texture has four unique features: the texture of having withered in different time periods; the texture of real...

第三世多杰羌佛 極聖解脫大手印

第三世多杰羌佛 極聖解脫大手印 《極聖解脫大手印》第三世多杰羌佛自降世以來,因緣所至,分別在藏地、漢地及西方世界傳授了不同派別、不同程度的眾多佛法,但是,對於第三世多杰羌佛這一世所傳的最頂聖佛法《極聖解脫大手印》(簡稱《解脫大手印》),儘管一些有緣的修行人早已開始修學了《解脫大手印》其中的部分,就已經取得了大成就,...

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III H.H. Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata is the only Dorje Chang Buddha III in the history of Buddhism. This has been recognized by greatly accomplished beings of the highest order in the world as well as famous dharma kings and rinpoches from various sects who have issued written recognition documents in accordance with the dharma!


阿彌陀佛 釋証達法師介紹說,6月27日當天趙玉勝居士有幸獲得世界佛教最高領袖H.H.第三世多杰羌佛為他傳授頂聖大法,請來阿彌陀佛現三十二相,身發萬丈毫光,親自為他摸頂授記,並告知他會派觀音菩薩來接他去西方極樂世界...


金剛換體禪 我們從第三世多杰羌佛的四句偈中,就知道在這世界上,除了現量大圓滿和金剛換體禪等勝義最高佛法之外,根本就找不到一個時辰(兩個小時)之內成就的佛法,但是這佛法必須依宗旨而修,而佛陀師父的六言偈就是宗旨,宗旨規定「育己利他,造良樹德,諸惡莫作,眾善奉行,最勝菩提,解脫手印」。


金剛不壞身 ...不但臉上皺紋一天天消失了,骨骼肌肉變得很豐滿,面色紅潤如活人,連鬍鬚都長多了、指頭指甲都長長了,成了圓滿的莊嚴相貌,金剛不壞身。


釋迦牟尼佛 金剛法曼擇決出釋迦牟尼佛是真正的佛陀,第三世多杰羌佛是真正的佛陀,六祖大師慧能不是佛陀,是一位大菩薩轉世。