IAMA Art Museum in San Francisco

Art Frame of Withered Vines on an Intoxicating Stone

Art Museum

Artist: H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

This art frame has an air of simple elegance, purity, and understated charm. It naturally captures the spirit and form of real withered vines. Both faux withered vines and faux ancient jade are first sculpted using Yun Sculpture techniques and then painted in oils. Withered vines sculpted by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III are of the highest artistic quality and possess the following four special characteristics for the viewer’s appreciation: (1) Their appeal is aptly described by four words: old, withered, dry, and beautiful. (2) Their style embodies four attributes: scholarliness, absence of mediocrity, high elegance, and a comforting air. (3) Their form and design present four properties: coiling in a natural way, totally genuine appearance, weathered over time, and intertwining. (4) Their texture has four unique features: the texture of having withered in different time periods; the texture of real vines with tiny pores; the lines and wrinkles follow the natural course of the vines; and the colors and appearances are just like those of real ancient vines.

Among these characteristics, the four unique features of texture are most important for determining whether a work of art is a genuine, top-grade sculpture of withered vines. These four unique features are the most important criteria by which to judge whether a work of faux withered vines was hand-sculpted by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. The first of these four unique features is that the vines have the texture of having withered in different time periods. Since real intertwined

withered vines come into being and grow in different time periods, they dry, age, and shrivel to different degrees. Their colors also vary. Thus, faux vines must give the impression of being historical relics of different time periods.

The second of these four unique features is that the vines have the texture of real vines with tiny pores. That is, the texture of the faux vines, including the stems and skin, will look exactly like those of real vines. Even under the scrutiny of a magnifying glass, wonderful subtleties of the faux vines will be revealed. Not only must the texture of the faux vines be no different from that of real vines, the faux vines must also be much more beautiful than real vines.

The third of these four unique features is that the lines and wrinkles follow the natural course of the vines. The texture of faux vines will be the same as that of ancient vines which show aged wrinkles formed over a vast expanse of time. The lines on the faux vines will match the vine on which they appear. As the vines change directions, these lines will follow the twists and turns. They must look natural and no different from real lines on ancient vines.

The fourth of these four unique features is that the colors and appearance are just like those of real ancient vines. The colors of the sculpted vines will have an ancient charm. Such vines will appear old, parched, and shriveled, but in a fascinating and attractive way. They will not show any trace of having been sculpted by man. They will be devoid of all of the freshness and brightness of living vines, appearing as relics that are at least a thousand years old.

Only those art frames that possess all of the above-described distinguishing characteristics can be called authentic, peerless art frames of faux withered vines hand-sculpted by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.





2011年2月,美國國會全體參眾議員和主持祈禱的美國基督教最高主席發邀請函,請H.H.第三世多杰羌佛作為宗教領袖參加由歐巴馬總統親自帶領美國行政、立法、司法三權獨立的最高首長們和宗教領袖舉行的祈禱早餐會。不僅如此,H.H.第三世多杰羌佛還獲得了由美國白宮總統亞太裔顧問委員會主席代表布希總統頒發「總統金質獎章」、由An International Salute To The Life And Legacy Of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 頒發的「國際服務及領袖獎」(King Legacy Award for International Service & Leadership)以及參議員、眾議員、州長、各級政府等頒發的56個大獎。

更為顯著難得的是,H.H.第三世多杰羌佛榮獲2010年世界和平獎最高獎,並於2011年6月14日在美國國會接受了世界和平獎最高等級獎的頒獎。而美國國會參議院在2012年12月12日用無記名投票,全票一致通過第614號決議,正式用 “H.H.” 加冠於第三世多杰羌佛,確定性質並表彰H.H.第三世多杰羌佛的成就和對人類的貢獻,H.H.第三世多杰羌佛依法成為合法的世界最高佛教領袖H.H.冠名身份。


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